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Flemington-Raritan Baseball

Coaching at FRB


FRB exists because of the many volunteer coaches throughout the program.  The success of the league and the positive experience gained by the children is direct related to the quality of our coaches.  We appreciate the contribution that each coach can provide and we also expect our coaches to provide an example for the children.  The safety and well-being of the kids is paramount.  To this end, FRB has a Coaches Code of Conduct to which we expect each coach to adhere.

Coaches Background Check Process
As required by the state of NJ and local regulation, coaches must have a current background check clearance in order to volunteer as a youth coach.  All Coaches should go to FRB's SportsEngine HQ page and create a membership -- the site will confirm whether you are up to date or if additional requirements need to be met.

In 2021, Babe Ruth League released updated national rule changes requiring that all managers, coaches, and league board members, as well as any person who has consistent & direct contact with players through league sanctioned activities, must have a National Verified Background Check and Abuse Prevention Training completed and approved through Babe Ruth League, Inc. every 2 years.  More specifically, the Babe Ruth League rule change requires chartered leagues, such as FRB, to use NCSI SportsEngine platform for ALL background checks and abuse prevention training. 

Accordingly, ALL 2024 volunteer coaches and FRB Board Members who did not complete the background check and abuse prevention training process in 2023 through the NCSI SportsEngine Platform must complete this process now.  There are many coaches who completed the requirements for the first time in 2021 or 2022 -- this certification is now expired and must be renewed in 2024.  No exceptions -- you will not be allowed to coach without completion and certification. 

The FRB Board will reimburse the cost ($25.50) of the background check and abuse prevention training process upon request.    

Background Check and Abuse Prevention Training Process:
(1) Go to FRB's Babe Ruth League SportsEngine HQ page
(3) Complete the background check registration process.
(4) At the end of the background screening registration, you will be provided with a link to continue on to the required Abuse
Prevention Training (you will also receive an email from SportsEngine with this link).  Complete the training.
(5) FRB will have access to updated reports directly from Babe Ruth League regarding completion status for all coaches.

Babe Ruth League /Cal Ripken Links:
National Athlete Safety Program
Babe Ruth League Child Protection Risk Management Program

Rutgers SAFETY Course
In addition, each coach is required to attend the Rutgers Safety Course.  The course can be taken through other youth sports organizations in the area, many of whom offer it online.  The course schedule can be found here. This course only needs to be completed once and will cover a coach for all the years in the FRB program.  Cost is $40 to cover materials and certification card.  FRB does not reimburse for the Rutgers Safety Course but will consider hardship requests on a case by case basis.

Concussion Protocol and Resources for Coaches
As part of FRB’s efforts to ensure the safety of all players we are requiring all HEAD coaches to complete a free, online concussion training course, Heads-Up Coaches.  All assistant coaches are also encouraged to take this training.  All coaches should read and review the Heads Up Protocol and Coaches Action Plan and NJ State Concussion Law for school sports.  Although not specifically addressed in this act, youth athletic activities are encouraged to follow the guidance in the act.  Additional information can be found on the CDC Heads up Web Site and Concussion Fact Sheet for coaches and parents.

Quick Reference Tips for New Coaches ("I have a team....what do I do now?!)

1) Contact your team right away. Introduce yourself to parents and notify them of the first meeting time for your team.  Communication is paramount in all aspects -- most of the issues we see with coaches are due to lack of effective communication with players, parents, other coaches, and with the Board.  

2) Familiarize yourself with the FRB website, particularly with the team pages and schedule.  Download the GameChanger Team Manager app to your phone.  The  Team Manager app works with the FRB website and allows easy review of the schedule as well as simple communication with your team via chat and email.  It even has scorekeeping functionality.
3) Make a roster for distribution to your team including phone numbers and parent’s names.  
4) Send out a schedule including important dates such as opening day, pictures, and volunteer workdays. 
5) Have a team meeting at the first practice to introduce yourself to players and parents.  

a. Review the age appropriate guidelines
b. Review equipment requirements. Each player must have his/her own glove.  Preferably players will also have his/her own bat and helmet, but FRB will provide each team with equipment. Cleats are optional.  Padded heartguard undershirts are HIGHLY recommended.  Catchers must wear cups. 
c. Review FRB inclement weather process (email blast, social media)

6) Take time to plan practices ahead of time and communicate practice plans to/with your assistant coaches.
7) Contact your team sponsor and thank them for their support. Be sure to provide them with the team plaque at the end of the season.

Additional Coaches Resources:

Baseball Drills, Workouts and Training Information

FRB Recommended Practice Drills
- Flemington Baseball Academy (FBA) Resources from April 16 Mandatory Coaches Clinic:
   - Coaches Clinic Agenda
   - Sample Practice Plan
   - Hitting Talk
   - Offensive Philosophy
- USA Baseball Coaching Resources
USA Baseball Mobile Coach -- The USA Baseball Mobile Coach is a revolutionary tool that aims to simplify practice planning for
                baseball coaches at all levels. The app, which is free to all users, features the ability for baseball coaches at all levels to plan
                practices using drills supplied in the application through the practice planning function.
Youth Baseball Manual -- the manual was developed to support the thousands of dedicated baseball coaches around the country in
                their mission to provide a positive, development-based experience for their athletes. 
- Babe Ruth/Cal Ripken Resources
- Coaching Education and Certification
Bat Rules (2023)
- Additional Youth Baseball Coaching Resources (click here)

Questions regarding background checks, abuse prevention training, Rutgers SAFETY training, or any other coaches issues can be directed to the FRB Board of Directors.


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